Does A Neck Shot Kill A Deer


In the world of hunting, there are many different opinions on the best way to take down game. One method that is often debated is the neck shot. Many hunters argue that a neck shot is the quickest and most humane way to take down a deer, while others argue that it is too difficult of a shot to make in the heat of the moment. So, does a neck shot kill a deer? There is no denying that a neck shot can be a difficult shot to make. The neck is a small target, and the deer is often moving, making it even more challenging. But if you are a skilled marksman, a neck shot is a viable option for taking down a deer. When done correctly, a neck shot will sever the spinal cord, causing instantaneous paralysis and death.

A neck shot on a deer is not always fatal. The deer may be injured and die later, or it may escape and never be found. The best way to ensure a clean kill is to aim for the brain.

This Will Drop a Deer Instantly

Deer neck shot with crossbow

A deer neck shot with a crossbow is a very difficult shot to make. The deer’s neck is a very small target, and the crossbow’s bolt is not very aerodynamic. This means that the bolt will tend to drop quickly after it is fired. For this reason, it is important to aim high when taking this shot. The best way to practice this shot is to set up a target that is the same size as a deer’s neck, and to practice shooting at it from different distances.

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Can a deer survive a neck shot with a rifle?

No, a deer cannot survive a neck shot with a rifle. The neck is a very fragile area and a rifle bullet will easily shatter the bones and sever the spinal cord, causing instant death. Sometimes the deer will run a short distance after being shot in the neck, but it will quickly collapse and die.

Will a neck shot with a bow kill a deer?

Yes, a neck shot with a bow can kill a deer. The neck is a vital area containing the jugular vein and the spinal cord. A well-placed arrow can sever the jugular, causing the deer to bleed out, or it can puncture the spinal cord, causing immediate paralysis and death.

Will an arrow to the neck kill a deer?

A quick Google search will tell you that there are mixed opinions on whether or not an arrow to the neck will kill a deer. Some people believe that it is a quick and humane way to kill the deer, while others believe that it is a cruel and inhumane way to kill the animal. So, what is the truth? It seems that the answer may depend on a few factors, such as the size of the deer and the type of arrow used. For example, one study found that a small-caliber arrow (22-26 inches long) to the neck of a white-tailed deer was not always fatal. In fact, of the 15 deer that were shot in the study, only four were killed outright. The other 11 deer all had to be euthanized later. Similarly, another study found that a arrows to the neck were not always fatal for mule deer. In fact, of the 11 deer that were shot in that study, only four were killed outright. The other seven deer all had to be euthanized later. So, it seems that an arrow to the neck may not be a quick and humane way to kill a deer.

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Will a deer survive a shoulder shot?

No, a deer will not survive a shoulder shot. The deer’s shoulder is composed of the scapula and the humerus, which are both very dense bones.

A bullet that hits the shoulder of a deer will shatter the bones and cause severe damage to the surrounding tissues. The deer will likely die from blood loss or from shock.


A neck shot on a deer will kill it if done correctly. The ideal spot to aim for is just below the head, where the spine meets the skull. A well-placed shot will sever the spinal cord, causing the deer to instantly drop. If you hit the deer anywhere else in the neck, it will most likely only wound it.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>