General Hunting Regulations



A baiting permit is required for any bait site. Current baiting permit applications (no fee) are available at any Fish and Game office or online at Applications for permits to bait wildlife on private property must be signed by the landowner. No bait shall be placed until two copies of the bait permit and topographic map have been submitted to the Wildlife Division at Fish and Game headquarters in Concord. No bait may be placed from April 15 through August 31 (dates inclusive). Bait may not be placed at any site until the baiting season for that species is open. Outdated versions of baiting permits will not be accepted.

  • A landowner placing bait on his or her own property does not need to submit a baiting permit or map.
  • No person, except a licensed N.H. Hunting Guide, shall have more than 2 active bait sites statewide. A licensed N.H. Hunting Guide shall have no more than 8 active bait sites, 6 for commercial use and up to 2 for personal use.
  • Licensed N.H. Hunting Guides must indicate on the bait permit if the site is for commercial or personal use.
  • Any bear taken off a commercial site must be tagged with a bear guide tag.
  • A licensed guide can only use his/her guide tags on bears taken off commercial bait sites which are under his/her name.
  • No bear taken off a personal site can be tagged with a bear guide tag.
  • A baited area shall be considered an active bait site until any and all bait material is completely removed from the site.
  • Applications for baiting permits on private land must be received by the Department or postmarked by the first Monday in August for bear, and received by the Department or postmarked by the first Monday in October for all other species, except coyote, which may be received starting on December 1 for the following year.
  • It is the permittee’s responsibility to see that two copies of the private landowner bait permit are submitted to the Wildlife Division at Fish and Game Headquarters in Concord.
  • Each baiting permit must have a detailed topographic map, including a description of the location of the bait site and how to locate it. (If the map is so vague that a CO cannot find the site, the permit is invalid.)
  • Only the person to whom the permit is issued is permitted to place bait at the site.
  • The permittee must post a 3″ x 6″ durable sign at the site with the name and address of the permittee and up to 2 subpermittees. These 3 individuals are the only persons allowed to hunt over the permitted bait site. A licensed N.H. Hunting Guide must post a sign with his or her own name and address, but is not required to post the names of paying clients. The sign must be clearly visible not higher than 6 feet off the ground. If no subpermittees are identified on the sign, they may not be included at a later date. Once the sign has been posted, it may not be altered at a later date. No person other than the permittee authorized to place bait at a site shall remove, alter, or destroy said sign.
  • Bait may not be placed less than 300 feet from a dwelling, public roadway, pathway, or trail.
  • From the close of the bear baiting season through December 15, baiting for coyote shall be restricted to the use of meat, animal parts, carrion, or fish.
  • No person shall place bait in public waters or on ice-covered public waters.
  • It is illegal to bait for turkey, moose, or migratory waterfowl.
  • Permits expire at the end of the calendar year, unless an earlier date has been specified on the permit form, or the season has ended for the species identified on the baiting permit.
  • When requested by a CO, a permittee or an applicant to bait must accompany the officer to the proposed or existing site.
See also  10-Week Bowhunting Training Routine

Baiting Rules for State-Owned and State-Managed Lands

In addition to the General Baiting Rules, the following rules apply to State-owned and State-managed lands:

  • A baiting permit is required for any bait site on State-owned or State-managed lands, including White Mountain National Forest.
  • Applications for baiting permits on State-owned or State-managed lands must be received by the Department or postmarked between the first Monday in June and the first Monday in August for deer and bear. Applicants may apply beginning December 1 for permits to bait coyote for the year following. Permit applications for all other species shall be accepted at any time.
  • Applications must be filled out completely, and must include a topographic map and directions to the bait site to be considered. Baiting permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis, except permits for the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Forest, which are issued by lottery (visit for more information). One copy of the bait permit application shall be submitted to the Law Enforcement Division at Fish and Game headquarters in Concord.
  • No person, including a licensed N.H. Hunting Guide, shall have more than 1 active bait site within an individual trapping unit. Visit for details regarding trapping units.
  • Non-edible or non-digestible materials shall not be used as bait.
  • A total of 40 bait sites to bait bear, and 20 bait sites for other species shall be allowed on the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Forest property in Pittsburg, NH and issued by lottery (see above).
  • Also see Tree Stands/Blinds.

Baiting Rules for Bear

In addition to all other applicable baiting rules, the following rules apply to baiting for bear (see Bear Hunting for bear baiting season dates):

  • No person, except a licensed N.H. Hunting Guide, shall place bait for the purpose of attracting and taking bear at more than 2 bait sites statewide.
  • No person shall establish, tend, or hunt bear over a bait containing chocolate or any cocoa derivative. White chocolate may be used as bait.

Baiting Rules for Deer

In addition to all other applicable baiting rules, the following rules apply to baiting for deer (for deer baiting season dates, see Deer Hunting Seasons):

  • No person, except a licensed N.H. Hunting Guide, shall place bait for the purpose of attracting and taking deer at more than 2 bait sites statewide.
  • No person shall place bait for the purpose of attracting and taking deer prior to the opening of the deer baiting season.
  • Persons holding a Disabled Veteran License or Paraplegic License may bait deer from September 15 through December 15, statewide.

Note: Please refrain from calling into the department requesting a status update on your baiting permit. A department representative will be in touch if a problem arises.

Dead Animals

If you find a dead deer, bear, moose, or turkey you did not kill, do not tag or move it. Motor-vehicle killed wildlife may not be taken without permission of a law enforcement officer. Call Law Enforcement Dispatch at (603) 271-3361.

Discharge Restrictions/Compact Areas (RSA 207: 3-a & 644:13)

  • It is illegal to discharge a firearm or shoot with a bow and arrow or crossbow and bolt or a .22 caliber or larger air rifle when used for hunting purposes within 300 feet of a permanently occupied dwelling without permission of the owner or occupant, or from the owner of the land on which the person shooting the firearm, air rifle, bow and arrow, or crossbow and bolt is situated. A firearm may not be discharged within 300 feet of any commercial, educational or medical building, or outdoor public gathering place.
  • Firearms may not be discharged within the compact area of any town or city (any contiguous area containing 6 or more buildings used as part-time or permanent dwellings where each is within 300 feet of one of the other buildings, plus a 300-foot-wide perimeter around all of the buildings).
  • It is unlawful to discharge a firearm, air rifle, bow and arrow, or crossbow and bolt within 15 feet of the traveled portion of, or across any class I through V highway, or from or across the following public highways (including the rights of way): I-93, I-89, I-95, 293, 393, Rte. 202/9 (from Rte. 114 in Henniker to Rte. 31 in Hillsboro), Rte. 16 (from I-95 to Milton/Middleton town line), Rte. 3/F.E. Everett Turnpike (from Mass. line to Rte. 101 Bedford), or Rte. 101 (from Bedford town line to Rte. 1 Hampton).
See also  The Impact of Heart Shots on Deer: Understanding the Consequences

Game Cameras

Effective January 1, 2024 – Hunters will be required to have written or verbal landowner permission to place game cameras on their property. State and municipal lands are exempt. Permissions granted expire on December 31 of each year unless extended or revoked by the landowner.

  • Property owners may permit the placement of game cameras by posting signs of durable material with verbiage describing the activity permitted, such as “Game Cameras Allowed.” Signs must include 2-inch or greater block letters and the name and contact information of the property owner. Signs should be posted at gates, bar ways, and commonly used entrances.
  • All cameras must be labeled with the name and contact information of the camera owner in a manner that is visible while mounted.
  • The law has not changed regarding the taking of wildlife and cellular game cameras: no person shall take, or attempt to take, a game animal or fur-bearing animal within the same calendar day of remotely viewing any image or video of that animal from a game camera in that area.


Additional regulations apply to licensed New Hampshire Hunting Guides. Contact the Law Enforcement Division at (603) 271-3127.

Lacey Act

Interstate transportation of wildlife taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of a state law is a violation of federal law. The penalty can be up to $250,000 and 5 years in prison.

Leashed Dog Trackers

Volunteer leashed dog trackers are private citizens who can help track and recover wounded deer, moose, and bear. They are licensed by the N.H. Fish and Game Department for this activity, which may take place at night. Give them a call, they can help. Visit for a list of licensed leashed dog trackers.


Use of OHRVs (ATV, trail bike, UTV) requires written landowner permission unless on a sanctioned ATV trail and they must be registered when operating off your own property.

Tree Stands/Blinds

  • Effective January 1, 2024 – A portable or temporary tree stand or observation blind may be placed on the land of another person from April 25-June 1 and from August 1-December 31. All portable or temporary tree stands or observation blinds must be removed from the property by June 1, unless allowed by permission from the property owner or designee.
  • Effective January 1, 2024 – All tree stands or observation blinds must be labeled with the name and contact information of the owner in a clearly visible manner.

Written landowner permission is required for any tree stand, ladder, or observation blind which damages or destroys a tree by inserting into the tree any metallic, ceramic, or other object. Written landowner permission is also required if any tree is cut in conjunction with the use of any stand or blind, to construct a pit blind, or for any permanent stands or blinds.

This permission is required to be with the person while afield. On State-owned and State-managed lands, permanent stands are illegal.

  • All landowner permissions expire December 31 unless revoked by the landowner beforehand.

Towns with Special Rules

See Deer Hunting Regulations for restrictions.

It Is Unlawful To:

  • Negligently shoot, wound, or kill a human being while hunting, or abandon a wounded or killed human being.
  • Negligently discharge a firearm or cause death, injury, or damage to domestic animals or property while hunting.
  • Shoot any wildlife that has been treed or cornered by a dog unless the owner of the dog or a member of the hunting party is present.
  • Shoot a domestic dog in pursuit of wildlife.
  • Possess a firearm with ammunition, bow and arrow, or crossbow and bolt while attempting to locate or illuminate wild animals at night at any time of the year, except while coyote night hunting from January 1-March 31, raccoon hunting (see Furbearer Hunting & Trapping Seasons), or checking traps at night (see Furbearer Hunting & Trapping).
  • Illuminate wild animals from Sept. 1 through Dec. 31. Moose, however, may be illuminated between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. from Sept. 1 through the second Monday of October in Coos County on Class I, II, and III state highways, and, with city or town permission, on Class IV, V, and VI town roads.
  • Take wildlife by the use of a spring gun or set gun.
  • Use an unmanned aerial vehicle, such as a drone, to attempt to locate, surveil, or aid or assist in the taking of wildlife.
  • Use “smart rifles” while hunting wildlife (firearms that are electronically controlled, electronically assisted, or have a computer-linked trigger that aids the shooter in tracking an animal, or assists in accuracy regarding the placement and timing of the shot).
  • Use live-action game cameras while attempting to locate, surveil, aid, or assist in taking or take any game animal or furbearing animal during the same calendar day while the season is open (cameras that send an electronic message or picture to a handheld device or computer when sensors are triggered by wildlife).
  • Establish, tend, or hunt bear over a bait containing chocolate or any cocoa derivative.
  • Hunt from inside of, or upon, any type of motorized vehicle, including aircraft, motor vehicle, snowmobile, or OHRV.
  • Hunt from a boat or canoe before all movement from mechanical power has stopped.
  • Carry a cocked crossbow in or on a motor vehicle, OHRV, snowmobile, or aircraft, when moving, or in or on a boat or other craft while being propelled by mechanical power.
  • Carry a loaded rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, or air rifle, in or on a motor vehicle, OHRV, snowmobile, or aircraft when moving, or in or on a boat or other craft being towed by a boat or other craft propelled by mechanical power. These restrictions do not apply to:
    • Loaded pistols or revolvers, or
    • To a person or a person’s agent while in the act of protecting his or her interest in their livestock or crops
  • Enter posted land without permission of the owner or fail to leave when requested.
  • Willfully tear down, obstruct, or leave open any fence, gate, or bar belonging to, or enclosing land of, another person, or remove or deface any posted sign or property.
  • Hunt with a fully automatic firearm. It is also illegal to hunt with a semi-automatic rifle loaded with more than six cartridges (except rimfire rifles and pistols).
  • Use full-jacketed metal case bullets.
  • Buy, sell, or offer for sale a deer, bear, moose, or any part thereof, other than the head, hide, or feet.
  • Possess a deer, bear, moose, or turkey that hasn’t been properly tagged.
  • Possess a detached deer, bear, moose, or turkey tag. Upon killing a deer, bear, moose, or turkey, the tag shall be immediately filled out and attached.
  • Assist another in taking a deer or bear after you have taken one, unless you possess a valid unused tag or are accompanying a minor.
  • Tag, steal, take, or carry away any game belonging to another person.
  • Dispatch a wounded deer, bear, moose, turkey, or other game animal that is not permitted to be taken at night with a firearm, unless you are a licensed dog tracker.
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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>