How Big is a Moose Compared to a Human?

How Big is a Moose Compared to a Human?


Have you ever seen a moose in person? If not, you might not realize just how HUGE these creatures are! Moose make humans look tiny in comparison. In this article, we’ll explore how moose size stacks up to the average person.

Moose Height vs. Human Height

First, let’s talk about moose height versus human height. Bull moose, which are the males, stand a whopping 6 to 7 feet tall at the shoulders. That’s before you even count their antlers! Cow moose, the females, are just slightly shorter at around 5 to 6 feet tall.

Now let’s compare that to the size of a typical human. The average adult man is about 5 feet 9 inches tall. That means a bull moose can be over 2 feet taller than a man! If an average man walked up to a bull moose, he would just reach the moose’s shoulder. A cow moose is still at least several inches taller than a man.

Already from the height alone you can tell that moose are huge compared to us. But it gets even crazier when you look at their weight.

The Immense Weight of Moose

Bull moose tip the scales at 800 to 1,600 pounds on average. Cow moose weigh between 600 to 800 pounds usually. How much does a typical grown man weigh? Around 180 pounds.

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So if you did the math, you’d find that one bull moose outweighs an average adult male human by 8 times! Picture 8 grown men standing on a scale. Then picture one moose on the other side. The moose side would drop way down with all that weight!

How Big is a Moose Compared to a Human?

The Incredible Length of a Moose

The moose’s giant body isn’t just tall and heavy either. They also have an incredible length. From their nose to their tail, moose measure between 6 to 8 feet without the tail included. Add another 1 to 2 feet with the tail, and you get a moose length of 7 to 10 feet. How long is the average man? Around 5 feet 9 inches tall.

So a moose is longer than a full grown man is tall! If a man lay down head to toe next to a moose, the moose would be spilling over extra on both ends. These creatures are absolute giants!

Visualizing the Size Difference

Now that you know the basic height, weight and length of moose, let’s imagine what it would look like if a moose and human stood side by side. Picture it: a 6-foot-tall moose shoulder towering above the man’s head. The massive moose weighs 8 times more than the human. And the moose’s body is so long it’s spilling over the man by several feet in both directions.

When you visualize the size difference, it really paints a picture of how small we are next to these giant animals. If you ever saw a moose in the wild, you would have to crane your neck back just to see to the top of its back. And you could stand between its legs with plenty of room to spare.

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Comparing Measurements

Another way to get a sense of scale is to think about specific measurements. For example, a bull moose can have an antler spread of up to 6 feet wide. That’s wider than some bedrooms! Their huge antlers alone could cover an entire person underneath.

Or consider that a moose’s shoulder is often 6 to 7 feet high. That’s the same height or taller than a basketball hoop! Imagine a creature the height of a basketball hoop but much, much bigger. That’s a massive moose!

How Big is a Moose Compared to a Human?

Respecting the Size Difference

Now I know some of you might think, who cares how big moose are? Why does it matter if they’re so much larger than us? Well, the size difference has some important impacts on how we interact with moose.

For one thing, the immense size of moose means they need to be respected. Because they are so giant and powerful, moose can be very dangerous if they feel threatened. They do not run away from humans like deer often do. Instead, their size makes them confident enough to stand their ground if they perceive a confrontation.

There have been instances where moose have seriously injured or even killed people when they felt cornered or provoked. Given their gigantic stature, it’s easy for a moose to view a human as a pest rather than a threat. So people must be mindful to keep their distance and never purposefully approach or chase moose.

The huge size of moose also determines how we have to hunt them. Special rifles and ammo are required to successfully and ethically hunt such enormous game. And once they’re harvested, the meat and antlers are so bulky that machinery is needed to transport them. It takes serious manpower and equipment to hunt an animal as big as a moose!

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So in summary, moose are massive creatures, especially in comparison to us humans. A bull moose can stand over 7 feet tall, weigh up to 1,600 pounds, and span almost 10 feet long. That makes them taller, bulkier, and longer than any person.

The next time you see a picture or video of a moose, take a moment to appreciate their immense size. It takes seeing one in person to fully grasp just how much they dwarf us humans. We must respect the incredible stature of these giants whenever we share their wilderness habitat. So think how tiny and fragile we are relative to these mammoth mammals roaming the northern forests!


How tall is a moose compared to a human?

An adult bull moose can stand 6-7 feet tall at the shoulders, not including antlers. Cow moose are slightly smaller at 5-6 feet tall. The average adult human male is around 5 feet 9 inches tall. So a bull moose can be over 2 feet taller than a man.

How much does a moose weigh versus a human?

Bull moose weigh 800-1,600 lbs on average. Cow moose weigh 600-800 lbs. The average adult human male weighs around 180 lbs. A bull moose can weigh over 8 times more than a man.

How wide are moose antlers compared to humans?

Bull moose antlers can span 5-6 feet from tip to tip. That’s wider than some door frames and bedrooms! Moose antlers alone can cover an entire human underneath them.

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Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>