If You’re Not Eating the Eyeballs, You’re Missing the Tastiest Part of the Fish


Growing up with a Chinese mother and a Jewish father, I was exposed to a range of practices and beliefs that varied in their levels of hilarity and veracity. One custom from the Chinese side stated that at mealtime, in the event that a whole fish—head and tail on for good luck and fortune—was on the table, the most honorable guest received the eyeballs to eat. Thanks to my voracious appetite and my sister’s total disinterest in munching on slimy fish eyes, that honor was bestowed upon me. (I still felt special, even if I won by default.)

After scooping the eye from the socket of whichever unlucky mackerel or sea bass that landed on our table, I’d hold it in my mouth and savor the gooey outer layer before biting into the crispy, wafer-like center, letting the rich umami flavor of the ocean floor dance across my tongue. Slurp, yum. Hungry yet?

I know how it sounds. Outside the home, I was embarrassed to admit to my classmates or friends that I ate eyeballs—I thought they might see it as gross or barbaric. The eyes are part of the face, which cradles the brain, the ultimate provider of identity; eyes are the windows into the soul. I figured people would squirm at the prospect of consuming something that reminded them of being human.

But my days of hiding the unconventional stuff I eat are over, and I urge you to give eyeballs a hearty go.

Beyond the best reason to eat fish eyes—they’re delicious—Chinese folks swear by their nutritional advantages as well. The eyeball is said to stimulate brain cells and stave off memory loss, courtesy of a pair of unsaturated fatty acids called DHA and EPA. My mom, of course, fully bought into this theory: “Eat the eye and you’ll be smart!” Additionally, the head itself (another part you should eat) is chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and protein.

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The Chinese aren’t the only ones throwing back eyeballs. Russians use fish heads—peepers and all—in a soup called ukha. In Iceland, they serve a traditional dish called svio, or boiled sheep’s head, and every appendage must be consumed by the end of the meal. Any Sri Lankan will tell you it’s customary to eat the entire fish to avoid waste, and yes, that includes the eyes.

Maybe they’ll make you smarter. You’ll likely feel a little more cultured. But you’ll definitely stimulate your tastebuds with saline flavor like you’ve never experienced before. So the next time you’re presented with a whole fish, tell the plebs sitting around you to fall back, because you’re the honorable guest, and this eye’s for you.