Do Deer Eat Broccoli? (and 16 Ways to STOP Them)


As a nature lover and avid deer enthusiast, I’ve often wondered: do deer eat broccoli? Let’s find out!

Do Deer Eat Broccoli?

Deer are known to have a varied diet that includes grasses, weeds, and woody plants. While broccoli is not a typical food source for deer, they may consume it if they are hungry and it is available. However, if other food sources are present, deer may choose not to eat broccoli. It is important to note that offering broccoli or any other human food to deer is not recommended as it can disrupt their natural diet and lead to health problems.

Broccoli Leaves

Broccoli leaves don’t pose any danger to deer as they don’t contain any toxic elements. On the contrary, broccoli leaves provide a healthy addition to a deer’s daily diet.

Broccoli Stalks

Deer aren’t picky eaters, so they’ll snack on anything green and edible, broccoli stalks included.

15 Ways to protect your garden from deer

1. Fence in your garden

One of the most effective ways to prevent deer from entering your garden is by installing a fence. Opt for a fence that is at least 8 feet tall and made from materials that are sturdy and able to withstand the deer’s weight and strength.

Also, make sure that deer can’t see what’s on the other side of the fence, so they will not be tempted to jump.

2. Use deer-resistant plants

Using plants that deer find unpleasant can help to protect your garden. Opt for plants that are highly fragrant, prickly, or have tough leaves. Examples include tall verbena, thyme, barberry, and juniper.

3. Apply a repellent

There are a number of commercial and homemade repellents that can be applied to plants and around the garden to deter deer. Some common ingredients include egg and garlic mixture, hot pepper spray, and vinegar.

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4. Use visual deterrents

You can use various visual deterrents to scare deer from approaching your garden. This includes using reflective surfaces, such as old CDs, streamers, or flags, to create light and movement that will frighten the deer.

5. Install motion-activated sprinklers

Motion sensors that trigger lights or sprinklers can be effective in scaring deer from the garden. This method works well as it creates a sudden noise and movement, which can startle the deer.

6. Use electronic repellents

Electronic repellents are designed to deter deer with sound or light stimuli. Ultrasonic devices, for instance, produce high-frequency sounds that are unsavory to deer.

7. Create barriers

Creating physical barriers, such as thorny branches and netting, can also keep deer away from the garden. These barriers can be placed around plants or surrounding the garden.

8. Plant around the garden

You can distract deer from entering the garden by planting a barrier of unpalatable plants they don’t like. This includes herbs and flowers like lavender, chrysanthemums, and catnip.

9. Keep your garden neat and tidy

Deer are attracted to gardens with tall grass, weeds, and fallen leaves. Keep your garden well-maintained by mowing the lawn regularly and raking up any debris around the garden to avoid tempting the deer.

10. Plant a double line of deterrents

Planting a double line of deterrents, such as dual fences or paired shrubs, can be an effective way to protect your garden from deer. The extra thickness of the barrier makes it harder for deer to jump or push through.

11. Move potential food sources

If there are any plants that deer seem to be particularly attracted to, consider moving them to an area where they cannot be easily seen. Alternatively, you can remove those plants altogether, or fence them off to protect them.

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12. Use scent deterrents

If you’re looking for a natural way to keep deer out of your garden, you can try using scent deterrents like scented soaps. You can take some Irish Spring soap and grate it into small pieces and then mix it with water. After that, you can spray this mixture around your garden. The strong fragrance of the soap will keep deer away.

13. Get a dog

A well-trained dog can be an effective and natural deterrent to deer. Their presence and smell alone can keep the deer away, given that dogs are known to prey on deer.

14. Use scare tactics

Scare tactics, such as decoys or scarecrows, can be used to frighten deer. Place fake predators, like owls or coyotes, in or around the garden, or construct scarecrows to make deer think there is human presence in the area.

15. Install deer repellent lights

Deer repellent lights give off an ultraviolet light that can be unappealing to deer. These lights are designed to be on 24/7 and can be installed in trees surrounding the garden, or on pegs throughout the garden.

16. Human Hair

Gather some strands of hair from a nearby salon and put them into two mesh bags. Suspend the bags around your garden, preferably 30 inches high above the ground, near your crops. The potent scent of human hair will work wonders as a deterrent and discourage deer from encroaching onto your property.


Which wild animals consume raw broccoli?

Broccoli is a popular pick among several creatures when it comes to their meals. Commonly, cabbage worms, rats, squirrels, rabbits, and deer are attracted to this vegetable.

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Which veggies are not on deer’s menu?

Deer tend to avoid certain types of vegetables due to their unappetizing nature. These include plants such as onions, leeks, and garlic which have a strong and pungent odor that deer find unappealing. Additionally, herbs like mint and chives are also unpalatable to deer and can be used as a natural deterrent against them. If you’re looking to plant a deer-resistant vegetable garden, consider including these types of plants to keep your crops safe.

Which scent is most detested by deer?

Deer tend to avoid plants with strong odors, such as garlic, chives, and mint. These herbs are known to have scents that repel deer, making them a useful addition to the garden for deterring deer.


So there you have it: do deer eat broccoli? The answer is yes, but it’s not their go-to food. Deer have a diverse diet, but they tend to stick to what’s readily available in their natural habitat. Offering human food to deer is not recommended, as it can lead to health problems and impact their natural diet.

If you’re trying to protect your prized broccoli from pesky deer, there are plenty of methods you can try. From physical barriers to natural repellents, keeping deer away from your garden takes some effort but it’s worth it. With a little bit of ingenuity and determination, you can enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor without worrying about hungry deer.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>