Eastern Turkey


Wild turkey are native to North America and there are five subspecies: Eastern, Osceola (Florida), Rio Grande, Merriam’s and Gould’s. Oklahoma is home primarily to Eastern and Rio Grande turkeys. Distinguishing between the two may seem difficult, but there are several giveaways. The biggest clue is location. ln Oklahoma, Rio Grande turkeys are found statewide – especially in central and western portions – whereas Easterns are found primarily in the fur eastern third of the state. Additionally, Easterns are larger than Rio Grandes.

Another primary difference between the two is the coloration of male birds. The longer tail feathers of the Eastern turkey are tipped with a dark chocolate color, whereas on a Rio they are generally a lighter shade. At the bases of these long tail feathers are shorter feathers that are a chestnut brown on Easterns and more of a yel­lowish or buff color on Rio Grandes.

Adult turkeys have between 5,000 and 6,000 feathers covering their body. Male turkeys, also known as toms or gobblers, are much more colorful than hens. They have a beautiful metallic sheen to their feathers called “iridescence.” There are two other major char­acteristics that distinguish males from females. The most notice­able feature is the tuft of modified feathers growing from the tom’s chest called a beard. The average beard length for an adult male is nine inches but the longest beard on record reached an incredible 18 inches. Males also have a bony spur on the back of their leg. They use this spur for defense and to establish dominance. The heads of turkeys are featherless, except females which have small feathers for camouflage. Fleshy growths known as caruncles grow on the heads of both males and females. They also have snoods, which are the fleshy protrusions hanging over their bills that can be extended or contracted. The snood of an adult male is usually much larger than that of a female.

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The wild turkey’s excellent eyesight is its main line of defense. Because its eyes are situated on the sides of the head, it allows it to see two objects at once. It also has a wide field of vision and by twisting the neck, it can gain a 360-degree field of view. Turkeys can see much better than humans. They arc able to see fine detail on even the smallest of objects, hence why many turkey hunters wear head nets. They are also able to pinpoint sounds from a mile away. The feet and beak on a turkey arc also highly sensitive. This helps them “feel” their food or other objects.