
Video catfish traps diy

The first time I went to Lake Barkley, I sat on the edge of the lake in the quiet of the morning and watched an energetic family motorboat from one buoy to another, pulling in fish and laughing as they did so. I had never seen this way of catching fish, but I was hopeful this Rockwellian moment could one day be a part of my future. Indeed, being who I am, I went ahead and imagined my husband driving a boat full of grandchildren …

Later in the day, we met the family who had been out in the boat, our new neighbors, Pat and Dave Malone. They explained how to “jug” fish and showed us their morning catch. We were hooked. My recent enthusiasm for catfishing ensured a trip later in the day to Walmart to buy supplies. My husband’s curiosity and DIY nature ensured he would have the noodle lines rigged and set that evening. Luck secured a catch the following day. lake barkley, ky july 4th week

The most common types of catfish in Lake Barkley are the scaleless Channel Catfish and the Blue Catfish. When the Channel catfish are young, their skin is greenish-gray with black spots. The spots go away as they age, and their skin turns gray. The fish on the right with a white belly is called a Blue catfish. The one on the left is a Channel catfish (thanks, Bruce!). IMG_7720

Here are some facts about catfish that might help should you decide to go noodle fishing:

  • Catfish are nocturnal bottom feeders.
  • Their peak activity and eating time is from dusk to midnight.
  • They have cat-like whiskers called barbels (that do not sting).
  • Their barbels are receptors for taste, smell, touch, and wake-tracking prey.
  • Their razor-sharp dorsal and side fins can prick you.
  • Their flat heads make it easier to skim the lake floor for food.
  • They’ll attempt to eat anything, dead or alive, so this, the most foul-smelling bait on earth, is an excellent choice to lure them in. img 4786 @judyschickens
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Catfish do not have teeth. Instead, they use suction to pull food into their mouths as they swim. IMG_7728 (1) img 4060 @judyschickens

I’ve seen people catch catfish in two ways:.One method is to use a long trotline weighted down with evenly spaced weights and large hooks. This one had about 100 weights and hooks. catfish

The other method is known as noodle fishing. img 4074 @judyschickens

Here is how to noodlefish: In the late afternoon, place your premade collection of baited noodles in shallow water. The following day, go out and pull each noodle in. We usually catch two or three fish out of the twelve noodles we set. Sometimes, we have to search for the noodles if the wind, or a strong fish, has dragged one away. The hunt for a noodle that has drifted across the lake is part of the adventure.

How to rig a catfish noodle (makes 4):

Supplies: DSC_0085

1 four-foot long yellow or orange swim noodle and a knife to cut it into twelve-inch segments. duct tape, scissors, and a Sharpie marker 40 feet of thin, braided, polyester string and a lighter to burn and seal the ends 1 tape measure to measure the lengths of string 4 large fishing hooks 4 half-ounce casting sinkers (weights) 1 dry sponge 1 skewer to make holes in the noodle 1 jar of stinky catfish bait (we use Sonny’s Super Sticky Channel Cat Bait)

Instructions: Cut a swimming noodle into four or five equal parts. Use bright yellow or orange noodles to spot them bobbing in the water from afar. Use colorful duct tape to make a stripe on one end to better distinguish your noodle stash from others. Or, just write on the noodle! DSC_0092 img 9751 @judyschickens

Cut ten-foot-long lengths of string, one for each noodle. Use a lighter to melt and seal each end of string so it won’t unravel. DSC_0104 DSC_0117

On one end, attach a giant fish hook. Use a bowline knot to secure the attachment. DSC_0098

About 12 inches from the hook, attach a weight by making a loop with the string, running the loop through the weight’s clasp hole, and then pulling the weight through the loop of string. Next, tie a knot to secure the weight in place. DSC_0101 DSC_0103

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The finished hook and sinker should look like this: DSC_0094

Now, for the other end of the string: Using the pointy end of a skewer, make a hole through the noodle as shown. Make a little slit on the skewer’s flat end with the edge of a scissor. Slide the string through the slit, thus creating a guide so you can run the string through the small hole. Knot the string around the noodle, as shown. DSC_0126 DSC_0107 DSC_0110

Alternatively, you could just attach the string to the tube this way: DSC_0116

Cut a sponge into little squares. Make extra squares to store in your tackle box. Secure one sponge on each hook. DSC_0119 DSC_0124

With the hook and sinker attached, wind the string around the noodle, tuck the hook into the styrofoam for safety, and store until ready to fish. DSC_0125 DSC_0132 (1)

How to noodle fish:

Before setting your noodles in the water, dip the hook with its dry sponge into the gooey catfish bait. Throw the baited noodle line into the water. Repeat until all the noodles are baited and tossed into the water. Invite others (such as guests) to do this stinky baiting job whenever possible. Thanks, Rex! img 5121 @judyschickens

Throw each baited noodle into shallow water that is about eight feet deep. Since catfish are bottom feeders, you want the weighted hook to sink to their level. img 4070 @judyschickens

The next day, get up early and check your noodles for fish. We use a mooring hook to grab the noodles. The noodles sometimes drift., :IMG_7683 IMG_7685 IMG_7689

Ta Da! IMG_7735 (1)

How the pros do it

Compare our single hook method to how the pros do it … Early one summer morning, while we were out pulling in our scrappy noodle lines, we saw a husband and wife team hauling in one fish after another from a “trotline.” Mouths agape, we took our boat over to watch and visit.

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The couple, experienced fishermen, had an interesting way of keeping their fish fresh. They had a long, thin, wooden tub in the center of their boat with a gasoline-powered engine that kept the water churning. Screen Shot 2016-05-11 at 8.18.11 AM

We noticed the couple throwing the small fish (which looked huge to us) back into the water. They must have seen how impressed we were with what they called small because ten minutes later, they waved us over and gave us a bucketful of their “rejects.” We gushed with thanks. catfish lake barkley

How We Cook Catfish

One weekend, my husband and visiting friends, Mary and Ed Carter, showed us how they prepare catfish. It’s become our traditional way of cooking it now. This recipe makes enough for four people when used as an appetizer. The fish was light, flaky, and delicious.

4 6-ounce catfish fillets (approximately) 1 cup garlic croutons, crushed 1 tablespoon Tony Chachere’s Creole Original Seasoning or seasoned salt 1 teaspoon lemon garlic pepper canola oil lemon slices for garnish

In a ziplock bag, crush the croutons into large crumbs. Add the fish and remaining seasonings. Gently toss until fillets are well coated.

Meanwhile, heat canola oil in a cast iron skillet (about 1 inch deep). When a drop of water sizzles in the oil, it is ready for the fish. Gently lay the fillets in the hot oil. When lightly browned and flakey, flip over and cook the other side. Serve hot. DSC_0964

Squeeze with lemon juice before serving. DSC_0007

Enjoy! Here is our Southern Living magazine-style photo moment. DSC_0024

The Lake Barkley State Park and Marina has room and boat rentals and is ninety miles from Nashville. Unknown


Follow my photos of vegetables growing, backyard chickens hanging out, and dinner preparations on Instagram at JudysChickens.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>