What is the Best Braided Line for Trout?


The braided line has gained a ton of interest since its introduction. These days, braided line is the preferred choice of many anglers when it comes to targeting trout. But what is the best line to use?

The best-braided lines for Trout Fishing are Green color Original Power Pro and Suffix 832 in 10lb test. These lines have the same diameter as very light monofilament or fluorocarbon lines, making them hard to see in the water. They also have virtually no stretch, which is a big benefit when setting the hook and fighting a Trout.

12/20/2022 12:48 am GMT Lasso Brag

My personal line of choice for the last 10 years is the Original Power Pro. Unless I’m using a slip bobber or using a finesse live bait drift, Power Pro is what’s around my spool. It’s incredibly strong, there is no stretch, and it’s surprisingly thin. For trout fishing, I run with 10lb. test. This may seem overkill, but the extra strength helps with preventing cuts/abrasions from rocks and also helps you get out of snags without your line breaking.

This is a picture of a 21″ Brown Trout I caught in early January 2021. The season had just opened, and I was looking to wet a line, so I headed out. I decided to take my 6′ 6″ Light Action St. Croix Premier spooled with an 8lb power pro. The reason I have 8lb on this rod is that it’s my rod meant for smaller water and smaller fish. I was not expecting to run into a fish of this size, so my rod was a little undersized for the fight that ensued. That’s why having a strong line is so important, I set my drag with confidence in my Power Pro, and played the fish out until she was tired enough to hit the net.

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Other Popular Braided Lines for Trout Fishing

12/19/2022 11:17 pm GMT Lasso Brag

Why Use Braided Line When Fishing for Trout?

In my opinion, the largest advantage is the fact there is no stretch to a braided line. Trout have an incredibly strong mouth, unlike Crappie and Largemouth Bass. When you go to set the hook with a braided line, the lack of stretch means your delivering more force into the hookset, increasing your hookup ratio.

When a trout attacks your lure such as a Rapala or Spinnerbait, they will often swipe at it from the side. Trout will quite frequently swipe and either miss or bump your bait. If they do happen to bump your bait and grab a hold of one of your hooks, the braided line will help to ensure a good deep hookset.

Small Diameter

Another advantage to the braided line is how small the diameter of the line is compared to its strength. For instance, a 10 pounds Power Pro braided line has the same diameter as a 2-pound monofilament. What does this mean?

It means your line will be harder for spooky fish to see because of how small it is, yet the line will have enough strength for your outing on the stream. In muddy or dirty water, having a small diameter line isn’t as important, but if you’re fishing in very clear water or water that receives a lot of fishing pressure, then having a small diameter line can be very beneficial.

Abrasion Resistance

Another added benefit to trout fishing with a braid is its abrasion resistance. There are many times on every outing where my lures get caught on branches, log jams, or are skipping against sharp rocks on the bottom of the stream. The durability of these braided lines means you’re less likely to lose lures and fish alike due to cuts or abrasions in your line.

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Retrieving Snags

Trout-like cover and depth, are two things that are commonly associated with river/creek banks. There is a good probability you will run into a snag a time or two, that is assuming you are fishing correctly! It’s important to make really good casts when trout fishing, and make them count so you don’t spook the fish. That means getting your bait close to heavy cover. Braided line is SO, SO important when your lures cost $5-$15 dollars a piece. It saves money AND it saves time from not having to re-tie baits.

The Best Braided Line Fishing Knots

To be quite honest, I stayed with the fisherman’s knot for a long, long time. However, as time progressed and I became more experienced, I realized the importance of knowing how to tie trustworthy knots for different presentations. If you’re a dedicated fisherman and are set on improving your skills, grab some line and a hook and practice tying knots.

The Uni Knot

I was hesitant about tying this knot at first, but after learning, practicing, and fishing with the Uni Knot, it has become a staple in my fishing arsenal. If you’re going to be fishing with a barrel swivel for easily changing out your lures, I would highly recommend learning the Uni Knot.

The Rapala Knot

When I get really confident in a specific pattern or type of lure, I tend to weld it on my line and not change it. I know a lot of fishermen who will frequently change their lures out throughout the day until they find a pattern or color that works. I have been trout fishing for long enough to have a pretty good grasp on what patterns to use and when. When that is the case, I usually tie on my jerk baits with the Rapala Knot.

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The Rapala Knot is a type of Loop Knot that allows the lure to utilize its potential for erratic action. Rather than tying a knot tight to the lure, the loop knot creates a “loop” of line below a knot. This allows the bait to move more naturally when being retrieved. If I am fishing crankbaits, and am not planning on changing by lure very often, I always tie the Rapala Knot.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>