Best Cold Front Deer Hunting Tip


*Can it really be this simple? Yes! Over 80% of my top 25 bucks of all time have been shot when temperatures are at a weekly low, pressure is at a peak and winds have drastically dropped. Several of those bucks are highlighted in my 2017 Rut Video.

Best Days To Hunt Deer Vs. Family and Work

My weather forecast hunting tips have been born out of doing everything in my power to manage both family and work, which are the true priorities in life. As a young, inexperienced DIY (do it yourself) hunter in the 80s, I quickly learned that “more time in the woods”, didn’t equate to shooting more deer. A great analogy to that would be if you were a bank robber thinking, “the more banks I rob, the more money I will make”. No…you would just get caught faster! The value of hunting only the best days to hunt, allows you to not get caught by the deer herd, and to not stress out your family and career.

Since the early 90s I learned the power of 1 high value cold front sit vs. 10 “hunt whenever you can” sits. I found that it was pretty easy to get a Wednesday morning off of work, when I didn’t waste my days on a long weekend of poor weather. It takes discipline, because when all of your hunting buddies are hitting the woods on poor days, you have to resist the urge to hunt and to potentially stress your family, career and stand locations. You have to thank of all of those folks hunting during poor times, for making your land even better!

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Since 1986 I have hunted more than 5 days twice. I have driven close to 690 miles to hunt two mornings and an evening (a hunt featured here), and driven 7 hours 1 way to hunt 1 evening. I have actually had friends become frustrated with me when I would choose to go hunting alone for 1 day during the week, then going hunting on a 3-4 day long weekend when they could get the time off and we could split the cost of the trip. If your goal is to just be outside, I urge you to go hiking or fishing instead of burning out your treestands. If your goal is to shoot mature bucks consistently then I strongly recommend that you follow the best cold front hunting days to hunt in the forecast, which will lead you to be in the woods a limited amount of time. If your goal is to shoot young bucks, does and fawns – then hunt every day possible you can climb a treestand, but don’t expect to be able to build a quality herd or hunt. When it comes to consistently wrapping your tag around a mature buck’s antler, the saying is just as true as it is for most things in life, because “Quality over Quantity” will guide you to success.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>