Ask the Master Gardener: Turkeys can be terrors to lawns and flowerbeds


Dear Master Gardener: Turkeys are digging in my lawn and ruining it. Do they eat grass?

Answer: Turkeys can cause some damage to lawns and flowerbeds as they scratch and forage for food, stomping around with their big feet. They are looking for insects, which make up part of their diet. In the spring and summer, they feast on grass, seeds, berries, and insects, and in fall they feast on acorns, seeds, and grains. I planted grass seed on some bare spots in my lawn and they ate all the seeds. Scare tactics are the best way to keep them out of your yard.

Dear Master Gardener: A friend gave me a cutting of her plant called Queen of the Night. She said when it blooms it’s only for one night. What can you tell me about it so I know how to take care of it?

Answer: Queen of the Night cactus, Epiphyllum oxypetalum, is a tropical plant that in nature is usually found growing on trees in a rainforest. This plant doesn’t have true leaves, but instead has flattened stems that can easily be rooted. Queen of the Night cacti are unique because they bloom for one night between dusk and dawn. The flowers are white, large and very fragrant. This plant is not hard to grow indoors, but it may take some time to bloom. Grow Queen of the Night cactus in a succulent/cactus potting mix. It tends to grow better when it is root bound. Soak the soil completely when watering, then let it dry out, before watering it again. I water mine 1-2 times per month. Don’t give it very much direct sunlight, but it will need a little in order to bloom. If the foliage turns yellow it is getting too much light. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer at half-strength during the growing season (spring and summer).

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Dear Master Gardener: This year I grew some gorgeous Morning Glory flowers that were multi-colored. I’d like to collect the seeds and plant them again next year. How do I do it?

Answer: Harvesting seeds from morning glory plants is easy. The blooms leave behind round, papery pods that are hard and brown. They are often found in clusters. Crack a pod open and if you find small black seeds inside, your seeds are read to harvest. Snap off the stems below the seed pods and collect the pods in a paper bag. Place the seeds on a paper towel in a warm, dark place and let them continue drying. After about a week, try to pierce a seed with your thumbnail. If it is too hard to puncture, they have dried enough.

Dear Master Gardener: Should peonies be cut down in the fall?

Answer: Cut back peonies after the foliage has been destroyed by a hard freeze. I wait until the foliage has fallen over and is laying on the ground. Cut off the stems near ground level, I leave about three inches of stem. For intersectional hybrid peonies I leave four to five inches of stem. Cutting peonies in the fall helps remove foliar diseases and reduce infection next year. Make sure to clean up around the plants, especially if your plants had any foliar diseases. Don’t compost any diseased foliage.

You may get your garden questions answered by calling the new Master Gardener Help Line at 218-824-1068 and leaving a message. A Master Gardener will return your call. Or, emailing me at and I will answer you in the column if space allows.

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University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners are trained and certified volunteers for the University of Minnesota Extension. Information given in this column is based on university research.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>