Turkey Hunting In The Rain: Tips And Tactics For 2022


Turkey hunting is challenging enough in clear skies, so how much tougher should it be in the heavy rain?

Do these birds even come out during rain?

To some extent, rainy conditions may be favorable to hunting turkey. One of the rules is to remain patient when you are on a stakeout in bad weather. It might not be the most comforting scenario, but wild turkeys head on to open fields in the light rain.

Gobblers are sharped eyed sensing incoming traffic from 100 yards away and an extensive view of the surrounding. And this is the most auspicious moment to engage stealth mode.

Technically, it would be ideal if you relied on a strategy to beat their alertness. The turkeys adore the open fields because they can easily scout and scamper in light of the danger. They have an excellent waterproofing covering that allows them to stay in the open even in inclement weather.

Apart from heavy rains, drizzles may be followed by erratic but brief sunlight breaks. They are suitable for positioning during stakeout.

Do Turkeys Come Out During Rain?

The season is limited for hunting spring gobblers. In the rainy season, the gobblers will come out.

They are theories that they come out in search of bugs or to dry out their feathers.

One thing is that they eventually will come out. And when they come from roosting, turkeys’ will be in the open fields gloriously waiting for you. Even though it’s not that easy, you can remember their watchful character.

The good thing is that the turkeys are more visible during the rainstorm— the conditions of wet weather make them so. Their hearing senses drop during rainstorm. The open fields allow them to use their eyes more.

Are There Any Advantages To Hunting In The Rain?

Even though hunting in the drizzles is not for the fainthearted, it comes with some advantages.

Here are the highlighted benefits, and you are going to go through all of them.

The discomfort of intermittent rains during stakeouts is rewarded considerably when you get an extra playing field during your hunting time. The turkeys are in the open area exposed to more straightforward and successful shots.

Of course, the success rate is determined by the prowess of the hunter. If it’s your first time hunting in the rain, be patient. Over time you get to perfect your instincts, camouflage, and, most important, the art of patience.

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Turkeys love to eat in the rain & cold weather. Why? When the rain trickles down in the ground, the worms, insects, or bugs come to the surface. As they feed, they allow you to accomplish your mission faster.

In the same case, the turkeys might let their guard down as they feed. This will present a golden opportunity for the hunter, especially if we’re talking about night rains.

Turkeys’ high sense of hearing and visibility means they are more challenging birds to shoot. However, the rain slightly impairs these senses meaning you may get closer and take your shot.

When it’s raining, turkeys may spend the entire day in the open. Again, this increases the chances of success for the experienced hunter.

Where Do Turkeys Roost In The Rain?

Turkeys’ behavior in moderate rain is predictable as compared to the hot weather. They’ll spend most days in the open fields such as meadows, pastures, or agricultural areas.

They’ll also spend time in their roosts, which offers an excellent opportunity for setting up blinds.

If there are some drizzles, you can quickly put on your rain gear and hide against trees for some rainy day turkeys. They do not gobble much during rainy mornings, but you can still try for your luck.

In the event of heavy rains, the turkeys may go into hiding. They are not excellent conditions for turkey hunting since mobility and visibility are hindered.

However, thunders accompanied by lightning may quickly reveal where they’re roosting but remain unfavorable for hunting. The bottom line is that the turkeys will congregate in the open fields eating.

Does A Cold Front Affect Turkey Hunting?

Cold front affects turkey behavior.

In the first few days, the turkeys may remain inactive and hiding until they get used to the changing weather patterns. The northern turkeys are better at adapting to the changes than their southern counterparts.

Most probably, is because the northern turkeys are familiar with the chilly weather. Just like most animals, turkeys spend a lot of time feeding and milling.

You also have to change your hunting strategy to get them in the cold season’s right position.

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Turkey’s mobility is affected by high-inch snows; this means they don’t walk as much. On the flip side, snow might help you easily track these birds.

For some Turkey hunting tips, you need to dress appropriately in extra layers. A cushion will come in handy during stakeouts. You set it between yourself and the ground to stop hypothermia. Waterproof clothing is ideal in snowy conditions, especially when you spend long hours out in the cold.

While not all places receive snow during the spring hunts, it is common in areas such as Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming,

Tips For Hunting Turkey In The Rain?

As mentioned earlier, the amount of rainfall will determine the turkeys’ behavior in wet conditions.

If there is a heavy downpour, the turkeys will most likely roost. In the extreme, when there are lightning and thunderstorms, there will be no rainy day gobblers out there.

The drizzles mean they gobble for extended periods. If the rains are accompanied by chilly weather, the turkeys will remain in the roost.

Even if the rain is favorable to you, you can follow some helpful tips to increase your success rate with the gobblers. Here are five tips on hunting turkeys in the rain.


When the rain brings them out to feast in substantial numbers, this is an excellent opportunity to get one or a couple if you are lucky. If the rainy conditions favor you, they’ll come out to eat bugs, seeds, corn, or plants that are present on the ground.

Remember to watch out for their eyes because they have an impressive vision. In the fields, it’s easy for them to walk than in the vegetation in the woods. You have to position yourself with your camo and aim without hesitation.

You can even stand against a tree so that they do not spot you easily.


As a rule of thumb, you can’t go out on a turkey hunting spree without a decoy. Since the hearing is affected during rainy days, use a decoy that the turkeys can easily see.

Decoys are a vital aid in all turkey hunting encounters, from the gobbler to the hen mount. You can use either of the two while hunting, but using the pair will yield remarkable results.


There are two factors you need to consider when turkey calling. For one, a call is perfected over time while you need to protect your box call from the rain.

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When you hunt turkey season after season, you tend to master the sound of each call just by listening to the turkey. But this shouldn’t discourage you from making your call. You are free to raise your pot calls a few decibels higher— after all, it’s raining.

Eventually, you’ll master the art of turkey calling with a distinct sound even in a downpour.


There are two types of turkey hunters— the stationary hunter and the scout. Suppose you prefer moving around and dirtying yourself and your gear. The kind of clothing you wear should fit the action.

For instance, you need to come well-armed with some rubber boots, a breathable rain jacket, and a cloak together with your camo. No matter how you dress, remember the idea is to remain dry as you hunt.

There is plenty of high-quality rain gear for hunting available online.

Otherwise, you may bring along a ground blind that will help you keep you dry throughout.


A downpour or steady rain may hinder you from the turkeys gobbling. One might be strolling nearby, and you can’t hear or even see—ideally, your need to activate all your senses so that you do not miss an opportunity.

Keep your head up and watch out for turkeys’ activity to increase your chances.

The truth is that hunting turkeys in the rain may not be difficult. When they are in the open, you get a better chance of walking home with a gobbler.


The odds of a successful hunt are always stacked against us, and the rain condition makes it even more challenging.

But if you view hunting as an adventure, you would cherish every moment of turkey hunting in the rain.

For the most part, the turkeys are in the open, where it’s easier to get a shot. When you do your preparation well, you increase your opportunities further. The guidelines above will help to improve your score if you are a newcomer to turkey hunting.

Do not forget to dress appropriately for the rain. Keep yourself and your hunting tools dry for the entire trip. Make the turkey hunting in this season worthwhile.