How To Prepare For Your Wyoming Elk Hunt


You’ve drawn your elk tag, bought your conservation stamp, booked one of our guides, and are now impatiently looking at the calendar and counting the days until your departure. It can be hard to pass the months in between planning and the hunt itself (trust us – we get it!) But don’t worry. We have a list of things that can help you prepare to truly enjoy the hunt of a lifetime and help pass the time. Our guides have worked with hundreds of people of all ages and stages of life, and these are some of the tips they’ve seen help hunters enjoy success across the board.

Practice Shooting – A Lot

Whether you’re an experienced hunter or this is one of the first hunts you’ve ever been on, it always helps to familiarize yourself with the weapon you’ll be using. If you succeed, you’ll be taking a life, and you owe it to that animal to deliver as quick, clean, and painless of a death as possible. Plus, it’s heartbreaking to have covered miles of rough terrain on both horseback and foot, found the perfect animal, have eased into the perfect spot… and then miss your shot, only to watch him disappear into the dark timber, never to be seen again. We’ve all been there – it’s pretty much an inevitable part of hunting – but you can lower the chances of it happening with plenty of practice!

Of course, the very best way to practice is with the rifle or bow you’ll be using during the hunt itself. Use the same bullets or arrows that you’ll be taking on the hunt, the same optics and sighting systems, the same shooting sticks, etc. to make sure the familiarity is there when you’re staring down that huge bull or buck. You’ll probably feel at least some “buck fever,” so the less you have to worry about when setting up your shot, the better!

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It also helps to practice shooting from a variety of positions. Shooting from standing, kneeling, sitting, and prone positions if you’re using a rifle will make you more versatile and confident, as will practicing with and without a dead rest or shooting sticks. Shooting from a standing and kneeling position with your bow will also benefit you in the long run if that’s what you’ll be hunting with. And don’t forget to vary how far away your targets are. You never know if your animal is going to be 20 yards away or 300 yards away, so it’s best to be able to reliably hit as wide a range of targets as possible.

Though practicing with your hunting rifle or bow is the best, it’s just good to get out and shoot period. .22 ammunition is often cheaper than most hunting calibers, and shooting them still helps train your mind and body to know what to do. Don’t neglect your hunting rifle, but don’t think that shooting ‘littler’ guns doesn’t count – they’re far better than nothing at all!

Get In Shape

Make Sure Your Gear Is Up To Scratch

There’s nothing more miserable than being soaked to the skin, far from any material comfort, and starting in on Stage 1 Hypothermia. Unfortunately, we’ve had to stop hunts before to get hunters warm and dry, because the unforgiving conditions in our hunting areas can quickly lead to emergency situations. We often say that our number one goal is to help you fill your tag, but that’s not actually true. Our number one priority is keeping you safe and healthy – with filling your tag a close second, of course. You can help us (and yourself) by making sure your gear is up to scratch.

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If you’ll be rifle hunting in the later parts of the season, be prepared for cold! Pack clothing in layers, starting with a thermal base layer that will lock in your body heat against frigid mornings and nights. Next, pile on warm pants and shirts/sweaters. Finally, make sure your outer shell is waterproof. Since the weather can be unpredictable and you’ll probably do at least some sweating while we hike, dressing in layers can make it easier for you to cool off by removing one or two if needed. They’ll be waiting for you, warm and dry, when you need them!

If you’re hunting in the earlier part of the season, prepare for both warm and cold. You never know what type of weather the high country will see, so be sure to have sturdy, waterproof clothing available, including gloves, warm socks, a winter hat, and a rain jacket or slicker.

If you have any questions about preparing for your hunt, please don’t hesitate to give us a call! We look forward to seeing you in the fall and can’t wait to share this adventure with you.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>