Choosing the Right Camouflage Based on the Species You Are Hunting


Camouflage is a beneficial tool many hunters utilize. Camouflage helps hunters stalk animals while hiding in plain sight and going undetected. But not all camo is created equally. There are many different patterns, colors, and styles from which to choose. In addition to blending into the background, it’s essential to think about the animal species you are hunting when selecting the camouflage you will wear. What works when hunting one type of animal may not necessarily work when hunting another kind.

Read more about how to choose your camo based on which animals you are hunting below.

Species of Animals and Camouflage

A great way to choose the camouflage you’ll be wearing on your hunt is based on the type of animal you are hunting. Different animals have differing senses, especially when it comes to their sense of sight.

Waterfowl — Ducks and other birds can easily see colors. This makes wearing camouflage essential! Make sure you wear a camo that blends well into the tall and lightly colored grass, cattails, and reeds. Wearing hunter orange or blaze orange or pink is not required when hunting waterfowl.

Deer and Other Big Game — Generally speaking, deer and other big game animals have difficulty picking out specific colors. Colors with longer wavelengths like orange, yellow, red, and pink go virtually undetected. However, their sight is good enough to see your outline and the texture of your clothing. So, you’ll want to find a camo that breaks up your silhouette and helps you blend into the surrounding scenery. It is crucial and required to wear blaze orange when big game hunting.

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Coyotes and Other Predators — When hunting coyotes or other predators, it is ideal to have a good blind or covering. If the covering is limited or you do not have a decent blind and plan to be stationary, wearing a 3D camo suit, like a Ghillie suit, might be your best bet. Just be sure to take proper safety precautions when wearing this type of camouflage.

Turkey — Like waterfowl, turkeys have incredible eyesight. Stick to camouflage patterns that have plenty of green colors and shadows. You will be most successful when you are completely hidden, so make sure to remember to conceal your hands and face. Most states require blaze orange when turkey hunting.

Surrounding Flora and Camouflage

Of course, it is essential to think about the area in which you’ll be hunting. Is it full of leaves, branches, and trees? Is everything covered in snow, or is the vegetation green and lush? Learn more about selecting camo based on what the land looks like here.

Contact R & K Hunting Company

Regardless of which animal species you are hunting, it is good to break up your outline and blend in with the surrounding environment. Give yourself an additional edge by booking your hunt with R & K Hunting Company. Our guides have decades of experience and are trusted by many hunters who come back season after season. Enjoy a headache and hassle-free Rocky Mountain hunting adventure by contacting R & K Hunting Company today.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>