(Get it Right): What Size Magnet to Use for Magnet Fishing

Video how strong of a magnet for magnet fishing

When I learned about the concept of magnet fishing recently, I became increasingly interested in what exactly goes into it and how it can be done. After doing a lot of my own research, I came up with a comprehensive guide on what size magnet to use for the best results while magnet fishing.

What size magnet should be used for magnet fishing? When it comes to choosing the right size magnet for magnet fishing, your decision will depend on the type of water body you are fishing in and what you are planning to catch.

Magnets for magnet fishing come in a variety of shapes and sizes, some with the capacity to pull up to 600 pounds with their magnetic force, while others can handle thousands of pounds.

Magnet fishing is the process of casting a line with a magnet on the end of it into outdoor water bodies, in hopes of catching onto anything that will stick. If you are just as interested in this activity as I was when I discovered it, keep reading to find out the type of magnet you need to win big.

What Size Magnet To Use for Magnet Fishing

Magnetic fishing can be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. With the right location and equipment, the possibilities for what you might pull out of the water are virtually endless.

When it comes time to choose what type of magnet you will be using to go magnet fishing, your decision will depend on a variety of factors, which we will get into next. First, let’s go over the characteristics of these types of magnets that you will have to choose from in the first place.

Magnets For Magnet Fishing:

  • Usually made of Neodymium
  • Shaped like a large, thick disc with a loop on top for rope
  • Some have additional loops for more power
  • Up to 600 pounds magnetic pull on the lower end
  • Over 1,000 pounds magnetic pull on the higher end
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Magnets that are used for magnet fishing are usually made of neodymium, which is an extremely strong and durable material that is considered a rare-earth metal. A main ingredient in permanent magnets, you will certainly be able to pull something heavy out of the water with these giant magnets.

For magnet fishing in particular, they come in a disc shape that is very large and thick all around. If you can picture a hockey puck that is about 10 times thicker around the edges, you will have a pretty good idea about what these magnets look like.

In addition to their shape, they all have a circular loop in the center of the top of the surface, which will allow you to string your rope through it and toss it into the water.

These magnets can come in a variety of sizes and weight capacities, with the lower end pulling up to 600 pounds and the higher end going up to thousands of pounds.

The type of magnet that you choose for your fishing trip will depend on a variety of factors, as outlined in the list below.

How To Choose The Right Sized Magnet For Magnet Fishing:

  1. Decide where you will be fishing (water conditions)
  2. Determine what you would like to catch

When it comes to throwing a large magnet into a body of water and hoping that you pull out something great, what you put in will essentially be what you get out of it.

In other words, the larger of a magnet you use, the larger the items that you fish out of the water will be. If you are planning on pulling something massive up from your rope but you only have a magnet that is capable of holding a 300 pound magnetic force, you probably won’t be able to get it out.

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So, if you are trying to pull up any and everything you can get your hands on, you shod probably go with the biggest possible magnet for fishing.

The body of water that you will be fishing in will be a huge determining factor on what type of magnet you should attach to the end of your rope.

If you are trying to magnet fish in a fast river with a strong current, you will want to use a much heavier magnet to keep it below the surface and actually catch something. Alternatively, if you will be going to a calm lake, a medium sized magnet will sink down fine without any interruptions.

To Recap:

  • Magnet fishing in calm waters – medium to large magnet
  • Magnet fishing in fast/white water – largest magnet
  • Larger magnet = larger catch

Tips For a Successful Magnet Fishing Trip

Now that you have discovered almost everything you need to know about what type of magnet to acquire for your fishing trip, there are a few additional tips that you should keep in mind before you head out on your journey.

Magnet Fishing Tips:

  • Bring your essential gear (magnet with hook, bright colored rope)
  • Know how to tie knots
  • Test the magnet on land before casting it into the water
  • Pay attention to magnet fishing regulations

First and foremost, you want to make sure that you bring all of your essential gear with you on your fishing trip. This will include the magnet of your choice and a durable rope, for the actual fishing part at least.

The best kind of rope to use for this purpose will be a colorful one, because they tend to be stronger and last a little bit longer than any other kind of rope.

Before throwing your magnet into the water and risking the possibility of losing it all together, you should test it on land first to make sure it is secured.

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To avoid this, you should know how to tie the proper knot, but the testing is an additional safety precaution to make sure that you do not throw your magnet into the deep abyss of a lake or river.

Lastly, you will need to pay attention to the magnet fishing regulations in the area where you are trying to fish. With some limitations on this activity in many areas, the last thing you will want to do is put a damper on your magnet fishing fun with a violation that could have been avoided.

No matter where you choose to go magnet fishing or what you are trying to catch, you are guaranteed to have a great time on your trip with the use of an appropriately sized magnet for the occasion. Following the helpful tips in this article, who knows what you might fish out of the water on the end of your giant magnet!

Related Questions

What kinds of things can you find when you go magnet fishing?

You can find anything that is magnetic while fishing with magnets, as long as your line is strong enough to pull it up. You will not be able to catch anything made of real gold or silver, however, because these substances are not magnetic at all, unless they are fake.

How can magnets be used to determine the authenticity of gold and silver?

To test gold and silver with a magnet, you will simply hold it up to the object and see if it sticks. Since gold and silver are not magnetic by nature, you will have a pretty good idea that it is fake should it be attracted to the magnet.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>