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Rabbit is an important traditional food that can be hunted all year round. Numbers of rabbits change over a ten year cycle. People snare and freeze rabbits when there are many available. Rabbit/hare is usually baked, boiled or cooked in stews. The fur is used for clothing, trim for moccasins, mitts and for crafts.
What do we know about rabbit and hare?
These animals provide a good source of meat. Rabbit/hare is usually baked, boiled or cooked in stews.
Nutrients found in rabbit and hare
- Reference Serving Sizes are from Canada’s Food Guide (dried = 35g, cooked = 75g, raw = 90g).
- The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) amounts are based on the needs of a 14 – 18 year old girl.
- Excellent, good and fair sources of nutrients have been standardized for any type of food source.
Did you know?
- Rabbit and hare meat are excellent sources of protein. Protein also keeps us healthy by building and repairing our muscles, skin and blood.
- Rabbit and hare meat are excellent sources of iron. Iron helps make healthy blood that flows through our bodies, giving us energy to be active and to grow strong. Healthy blood keeps us from getting tired.
- Rabbit and hare meat are excellent sources of the B vitamins B12 and niacin. These vitamins help our bodies use energy from food, and are important for growth, healthy skin, hair, nerves, and muscles.
Prepare Foods Safely
- Use safe food handling practices – wash your hands and equipment.
- Eat meat only when properly cooked, dried, or aged.
- To store meat, use only clean containers or bags made for FOOD storage.
Storage Tips
Healthy Eating
Prepare foods in traditional ways to avoid too much added sugar, fat and salt. Try rabbit or hare stew with carrots, onions and potatoes for a tasty meal. Add fresh fruit (frozen or canned when fresh is not in season). Have water to drink.
Hunting and fishing for a healthy lifestyle
Getting out on the land is part of our northern way of life. It is great to be active. Hunting, fishing, gathering, and eating traditional foods helps keep us healthy.
For more information contact:
- Community Health Representatives
- Registered Dietitians
- Band Office and Local Elders
- Territorial Nutritionist, Department of Health and Social Services