Purchase A Hunting License
Wisconsin has made it easy to buy licenses and registrations. Hunters can purchase a turkey authorization through the Go Wild app.
*Special Reminder: Registration for the Spring Turkey Season is due on Dec. 10 each year.
NOTE: A person authorized to purchase a license for a permit or harvest authorization issued under a cumulative preference drawing may transfer their awarded permit or harvest authorization to another who meets the required qualifications on the Authorization Transfer webpage.
Bonus Harvest Authorizations
After the preference drawing is complete, all remaining turkey harvest authorizations, now called bonus harvest authorizations, will be sold over the counter. Bonus harvest authorizations will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Each zone will have a designated sales date. The first zone went on sale on March 18. Hunters may buy leftover harvest authorizations on a one-per-day basis until they are sold out or the season is over. Visit the Spring Bonus Harvest Authorizations page or Fall Bonus Harvest Authorizations page for more information.
Fort McCoy
Since March 2019, Fort McCoy hunting and fishing permits are no longer available through Go Wild. Instead, hunters should use Fort McCoy’s license system, iSportsman, for on-base hunting and fishing privileges.
Spring Turkey Drawing
Spring turkey harvest authorizations are issued through a preference-based drawing system. Harvest authorizations are issued by evaluating every combination of zones and time periods the applicant would accept. Applicants can choose two-time period-zone combinations and one zone they’d get any time (if the first two choices are unavailable). A harvest authorization can only be issued if that time period and zone are listed on the application. For the greatest chance of receiving a harvest authorization through the preference drawing, applicants should diversify their options by listing all time periods and zones they would be willing to accept.
The drawing issues one harvest authorization to as many applicants as possible. The remaining harvest authorizations will be sold after the drawing as Bonus Authorizations. Under no circumstances can a harvest authorization be exchanged for a different time period or zone. Please refer to the Turkey Hunting Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the turkey drawing and preference point systems.