Shark Attack Statistics: How Many People Die Each Year?


Last Updated on September, 2024

’47 years, 1232 shark attacks, 14% resulted in fatalities’

‘Hawaii, second to Florida, had 76 shark incidents, including three fatalities.’

Have you ever WORRIED about this kind of shark attack?

Yes! What you heard is correct. Shark attacks can be severe, even deadly.

Knowing the details is essential, especially if you’re into sea adventures. I’ve covered the most important stats for you.

Continue reading.

Shark Attack Facts

A shark with its mouth open in the ocean

Global Shark Attack Statistics

United States With Highest Unprovoked Shark Bites

According to information from the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), the highest number of unprovoked shark bites occur in the United States.

‘Unprovoked bites’ refer to situations where a shark bites a person in the shark’s natural habitat without provocation from the human.

‘Provoked bites’ happens when a human initiates interaction with a shark somehow.

Specifically, Florida makes up 39% of all unprovoked bites in the United States. ISAF confirmed that these Florida counties reported shark attacks during 2022: Monroe, Martin, Nassau, Pinellas, Brevard, and Palm Beach counties.

In the United States, following Florida, Hawaii has the second highest number of attacks, with 76 incidents reported in the past decade, including three fatal shark attacks. (3)

Another critical point to mention is that unprovoked bites are gradually on the rise in South Carolina. There have been 45 reported bites in the last ten years. (2012-2021)(4)

California Coastline

In 2021, California had three shark attacks, and unfortunately, one of them was deadly. Since 1837, a total number of 132 unprovoked shark bites have been documented in the state. (5)

a stat of confirmed Unprovoked Shark Attacks 1926 Present

The Red Triangle, located along the northern shore, is known for a higher risk of shark encounters.

This area spans about 90 miles of coastline from Point Reyes to Monterey Bay, meeting west of San Francisco near the Farallon Islands. The water here is rich with seals and the Great White Shark.

California ranks third in the U.S. for unprovoked shark bites, with Florida and Hawaii having more attacks. (6)

Notable locations with shark incidents include Solana Beach in San Diego County, and most sharks are often spotted near Santa Monica and the Santa Barbara coast close to Los Angeles.

Australia With Second Highest Shark Attacks After the U.S.

After the United States, Australia holds the second spot for the most attacks, according to the ISAF.

A map published by ISAF confirmed this. Even though Australia is second in the number of bites, it is the country where 20 Shark-related fatalities have happened the most since 2012-2021. (7)

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Gansbaai: One of the Most Dangerous Beaches in the World

Even though there are other places globally to spot White Sharks, Gansbaai stands out because of its location.

The meeting point of currents from the Atlantic and Indian oceans brings in a lot of natural prey, making Shark Alley likely to have the highest concentration of them worldwide.

Two Deadly Shark Attacks Happened in the Bahama Islands and Reunion Island

The ISAF collected data showed a decrease in overall incidents for 2019. There were 64 reported unprovoked shark attacks.

Surprisingly, two of these bites resulted in fatalities – one in the Bahamas and another in Reunion Island. It’s worth noting that this marked a 50% reduction compared to the usual average.

Data from the ISAF reveals that from 1931 to the present, Brazil experienced 111 attacks. Among these, 62 incidents took place along the coast of the state of Pernambuco.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, is the eastern part of the world’s largest tropical island. Since 1848, there have been 48 recorded provoked and unprovoked bites in Papua New Guinea.

It’s unclear whether these attacks involve divers and other visitors or are linked to the local tradition of shark fishing. In some areas, like the province of New Ireland, people still practice shark calling—an ancient technique.

Shark callers believe they can communicate with shark spirits through rituals and music. When it responds, the caller uses tools to bring it close to the boat, and then it’s shared as a meal for everyone.

How Many Shark Attacks Worldwide in the Last 50 Years: Statistics on Attacks on Human

In the last 47 years, there have been 1232 cases of shark attacks around the world. Surprisingly, about 14% of these instances resulted in the person dying. (8)

Most bites are unprovoked shark bites with no provocation from the people.

Only a small number of the remaining bites, about 6%, occurred because people did something to provoke the sharks. On average, around ten people worldwide die from shark attacks each year.

These numbers show how important it is to understand and deal with both situations where shark attacks happen. This helps make being in the ocean safer for everyone.

Shark Behavior and Species Analysis

The Most Dangerous Shark Species and Their Characteristics

Out of over 500 species and around 1,000 species and rays combined, only 30 have been known to be involved in unprovoked attacks on humans, as reported by the Florida Museum.

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This implies that only about 3 to 5% of all types have been responsible for biting humans.

Great White Sharks Are Dangerous Sharks to Humans

Statistics from the Florida Museum show that Great White Sharks, also known as White Sharks, are frequently involved in human attacks.

Despite their reputation as dangerous man-eaters, only 57 provoked bites and unprovoked bites worldwide were recorded across all species in 2022.

These sharks, along with Bull and Tiger, are among the top three species most likely to injure humans. However, fewer than 17% of unprovoked attacks by these Sharks have been fatal since records began in 1580.

Whites have a bite force of 4,000 psi, about ten times stronger than a lion’s bite. Surprisingly, there are more survivors than fatalities, and scientists are unsure why great whites often spit humans out after a ‘sample bite.

Tiger Sharks Are the Second Most Dangerous in the World

These sharks are considered DANGEROUS as they are among the shark types most likely to attack humans without provocation.

They are part of the ‘Big Three’ aggressive species and White and Bull Sharks. Out of 111 reported Tiger Shark attacks, 31 were fatal.

These sharks, measuring 3 to 4 meters on average and weighing around 500kg, are one of the largest species. They are usually found in temperate and tropical oceans and often hunt alone at night.

Bull Shark Attacks is Highest in Shallow Waters

These intelligent animals can quickly move between freshwater and saltwater. They often swim into shallow rivers and bodies of water, bringing them close to humans.

According to the NWF, they are naturally curious and use their mouths to explore. You can identify them by their stout appearance and high width-to-length ratio.

Like many fish, they have countershading, which means they’re dark on top and light on the bottom, helping them blend into their surroundings.

Male Bull Sharks grow to about seven feet, and females can reach 11 feet or more. They usually weigh between 200 and 500 pounds.

The Whale Shark is the Biggest Shark in the World

The whale shark is the largest shark globally, as per Despite its enormous size, it’s completely harmless.

Whale sharks are one of three filter-feeding sharks and don’t harm humans. What’s fascinating is that the spotted pattern on a Whale shark’s skin is as unique as a human fingerprint.

Understanding Shark Attacks

Why and When Do Sharks Attack People?

Historically, shark attacks have been more deadly, but improved emergency services and medical treatment have reduced mortality rates.

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The rise in shark attacks each decade is likely due to more people in the water, but the per capita rate of attack remains stable.

Sharks attack in nearshore water, typically in the surf zone or between sandbars where they feed. Steep drop-offs are likely to dive sites, as sharks congregate in these areas where their natural food items gather.

‘Hit and run’ attacks are the most common and often occur in the surf zone, targeting swimmers and surfers.

Though less common, ‘Bump and bite’ and ‘sneak’ attacks result in more significant injuries and are more likely to involve divers or swimmers in deeper waters.

How Do Sharks Attack People?

Hit and Run Attack

These attacks occur in the surf zone, where the victim rarely sees the shark, and the shark doesn’t return after a single bite.

Cases of mistaken identity likely happen in poor water visibility and harsh conditions. Injuries are usually minor lacerations, often on the leg below the knee.

Bump and Bite / Sneak Attack

These attacks are less common but more severe and involve circling, bumping, and biting. ‘Bump and bite’ attacks often occur in deeper waters and can result in repeat attacks, while ‘sneak’ attacks happen without warning.

Other species, like the blacktip, may be involved in ‘hit and run’ cases.

The Best Time to Go for a Swim in the Sea

The BEST time to go for a swim in the sea is on Tuesday mornings at dawn in February. (fewer sharks, fewer attacks!)

Overall, shark numbers in the world’s oceans have decreased, possibly causing recent decreases in incidents, as Gavin Naylor, a shark researcher at the Florida Museum of Natural History, explains.

He mentioned that fatalities might be lower because certain places, especially in Australia, have recently adopted STRICT safety measures at beaches.

Shark Attack Prevention and Safety Measures

Tips for Avoid Being Attacked By a Shark

Shark Attack-Emergency Response and Self-Defense Strategies

Symptoms and Immediate Actions After a Shark Bite

Stop the bleeding by applying pressure before leaving the water. Exit the water quickly and calmly. Regardless of the bite’s size, seek immediate medical attention after being attacked by a shark.

Interesting topics:

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  • Pitbull Attack Statistics


My stats helped you make informed decisions for a safer underwater experience.

Research more about ocean safety. I mean, RESEARCH to understand the reality behind the headlines.

Don’t let fear STOP your passion for the sea.

Stay informed. Stay safe!


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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>