Elite Hunter Review

Video elite hunter review

Elite Archery is very clear it wants to win you over based on an overall ownership experience. From the Elite Shootability Challenge to a remarkable customer care program called the Elite Promise, it’s easy to feel at home and get comfortable thinking of yourself as a loyal Elite customer.

On the equipment side, Elite introduces the 2013 Hunter bow. The Hunter Cam is the centerpiece in Elite’s drive for shootability, while the modules guarantee optimal performance at every draw length. Other highlights include Barnsdale limbs, Limbsaver damping accessories, Winner’s Choice strings/cables, Kolorfusion camo finishes, Cerakote performance coating and one of the best grips in the industry.

The Shootability Challenge

Elite doesn’t want you to “take the blue pill” or “drink the Kool-Aid” when it comes to the speed-at-any-cost mentality. Rather, it would have you take its Elite Shootability Challenge, which focuses on the overall experience of the shot from start to finish — not just one performance measurement like speed. Considerable design time has been focused on the creation of its new two-track Hunter Cam, with a goal of optimizing shootability even further.

In this configuration, one of the tracks is for the string while the other is for both cables. Using only two tracks allows a narrower side-to-side footprint, which reduces weight and brings the load from the cables closer to the center of the system. This increases efficiency and reduces the opportunity for cam lean and the negative effects that come with it.

Draw-length changes are modular; however, a bow press and T15 Torx wrench (star shaped) are required to change them. Modules are available for draw lengths from 25-31 inches, in half-inch increments. A slightly adjustable draw stop on each cam provides a solid back wall while allowing a measure of customization.

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With a laser-like focus on the bowhunter, Elite outfits its Hunter with technologies and accessories designed to tame the shot. It all starts with a set of 13-inch solid Barnsdale limbs. These three-layer, laminated limbs are manufactured using Gordon Composites’ materials before a CNC-machining process fashions them into their final form.

The parallel position of the limbs at full draw distributes the force from release in equal and opposite directions thereby cancelling out any leftover energy. A bow that incorporates this technology has significantly reduced shock, vibration and noise as compared to a similar bow with upright limb sets. Limbs are available in peak weights of 40, 50, 60, 65, 70 and 80 pounds, each with 8-9 pounds of adjustment off peak.

Elite employs a host of Limbsaver products to further reduce shock, vibration and noise. The lineup includes a set of two UltraMax limb dampeners, four Cable Leaches, two Everlast String Leeches, a String Decelerator, and Cable Guard dampener. Limbsaver’s accessories and NAVCOM material have had a significant impact on the archery industry for more than 10 years.

Tying up Loose Ends

Elite’s two-piece grip incorporates wood side panels blended with the contoured section of the riser. The angle, shape and size create a stress-free cradle for the shooter’s hand, and the materials and finish allow for repeatable positioning, which is critical for accuracy and consistency. Elite grips are an industry benchmark.

The Hunter’s riser is reflex in form and an open format in terms of cutouts, which helps keep mass weight as low as possible. Finish options for riser and limbs include Realtree AP, Realtree Max-1, Realtree AP Snow, and Ninja Black. A combination of black and camo is also available.

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The Elite Promise

The Elite promise is a combination of a fully transferable limited lifetime warranty and the company’s unique HuntGuarantee. The warranty is valid regardless of where the bow was purchased — new or used. As a part of the Hunt Guarantee, Elite will ship you a ready-to-shoot bow on loan to get you through that once in a lifetime hunt in the event that something happens to your primary rig.


The Hunter embodies Elite’s shootability mindset by offering a super smooth draw cycle, relaxed valley at full draw and a tame shot. While there is a measure of shock and vibration when the arrow is released, it is minimal. If you add a quality stabilizer to your setup, you can expect even less of both. The Hunter’s grip is exceptional in both comfort and functionality.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>