

The largest wild canine found in Pennsylvania, the coyote is often portrayed as a sly trickster, appearing as a featured character in traditional stories from several Native American cultures. Coyote myths and legends depict characteristics such as clever, inventive and mischievous.

Actually, the coyote displays true smarts. He often scans the skies for vultures circling overhead or crows gathering – a sign that a dead animal lies below. When birds hover, the coyote knows to head in that direction for a free meal. The fast and fit coyote takes the food quickly and will run away with it, reaching speeds of nearly 40 mph.

No wonder the coyote has earned the reputation as a trickster, letting others find the food while he takes home the treat!

Dog Family

Coyotes belong to the order Carnivores, which is made up of mammals. Even though many eat insects, berries, nuts and other vegetation, they are primarily meat eaters. All carnivores have large canine teeth. Members of the dog family have long, narrow muzzles; erect, triangular ears; long, slender legs, and bushy tails. Their sense of smell is excellent, and they have keen sight and hearing. Unlike cats, they cannot retract their claws, which is good to know when looking for tracks.

Coyotes inhabit Pennsylvania, including Chester County and the Philadelphia metro area. In fact, coyotes may thrive in suburban settings and even urban areas. Coyotes simply adapt to humanized landscapes because they offer an abundant supply of food, water and shelter. These ready-made habitat components enable coyotes to expand their range, hopefully, coexisting with humans.

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Coyotes in Chester County are usually spotted near heavy, brushy cover and edge habitat areas between woods and fields, or in agricultural areas where prey is abundant. They live anywhere from parks to industrial sites. Coyote sightings or signs have been reported in all of our County parks.


The coyote digs a den under rocks, in hollow trees, into the hillside, and often prefers expanding an existing groundhog burrow. Coyotes have monogamous partners, who live in a pack consisting of the mated pair and their pups. Sometimes, due to delayed dispersal, a pack may include offspring from previous years, but that’s not likely in Chester County. Mating season usually occurs in February, with litters being born in the den mid-April to early May. To compensate for a high mortality rate, a typical litter averages five to seven pups.

Around three weeks old, the young pups begin to emerge from the den. At five weeks, the pups are fully weaned but still cannot chew very well. The parents continue to feed them with the coyote’s version of baby food – regurgitated food eaten and partially-digested by mom. Within a few weeks, mom brings her pups along on hunts to practice their skills. Male pups leave the den between six and nine months, while females remain with their parents to form the basis of the family pack.

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>