5 Best Lures for Striped Bass

Video best striper lures for rivers

Rockfish, linesider, striper; the striped bass is a fish with many names. No matter what you call it, the striped bass is undoubtedly one of the most desirable and popular game fish in North America.

Ultimately, the best lures for stripers will depend on whatever local fish are eating. These large and dark striped fish are attracted to the motion of their prey. Therefore, it’s best to choose lures that resemble the movement of baitfish. Fortunately, there are plenty of options. Read on to learn about the best lures for striped bass.


Mojos are a large bucktail-style lure designed with a single or double hook, a weighted lead head, and a skirt. Unlike the traditional bucktail lure, the hair of the mojo lure is tied in reverse, giving the lure a large profile in the water as the hair fans out. The most crucial aspect of the mojo is the shad body to increase the actions and allow for natural movement.

The lead head is offered in a variety of weights. The lighter weights are best for more shallow waters and the heavier weights will allow the lure to be fished in deeper waters. Although some mojos are heavy, these lures do not have as much drag compared to an umbrella rig when trolled, thus allowing an angle to use a lighter rod and reel setup.

Umbrella Rigs

Umbrella rigs still remain one of the most popular and best lures for striped bass. This rig is made from various hookless teasers, trailing from a set of wire crossbars with a hook bait rigged behind the teasers. The teasers are typically soft, plastic fish imitations that create an illusion of a school of bait. Conversely, the hook bait is larger than the teasers, which provides the appearance of a larger fish pursuing a school of smaller ones. The umbrella rigs allow anglers to cover a lot of ground near the bottom to locate and entice stripers to bite.

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Two fishermen holding a large striped bass

Bunker Spoons

Bunker spoons are usually used to catch the largest striped bass in the water. If you’re looking to target the cows, consider bunker spoons. These heavy-duty spoons let anglers troll with braid, wire, or monofilament. On top, it features a bucktail hook and teaser tail, giving it a lifelike swimming action and boosting the hook-up ratio. The spoon’s unique, rounded shape provides sensory vibrations and rattles in the water to attract more fish, making it one of the best lures for striped bass.

Spires & Tandems

Every fisherman should have a variety of spires and tandems in their tackle box for striper fishing. At Fish Razr, we carry a selection of spires and tandems in various styles and sizes. These are highly effective and one of the best lures for striped bass. The more spires and tandems you have in the water, the more chances you have to attract and catch more fish.


Any fish that frequently eats smaller fish can be targeted with crankbaits. These are lures with a plastic lip that causes the bait to dive underwater. The depth ranges will vary from just under surface level to over 20 feet.

When going striper fishing, the best lures for striped bass are lipless rattlers and diving plugs. Lipless rattlers have featured a built-in rattle that vibrates through the water. It’s a great way to simulate the movement that smaller fish make as they swim across the top.

When cast, diving plugs rest on the top of the water but then dive under when you reel. These lures have a built-in lip that creates a lifelike side-to-side swimming motion when retrieved.

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Choose Fish Razr for Your Lures

Don’t let another striped bass slip away. With our shortlist of best lures for striped bass, your odds of catching them have significantly increased. Half of the battle to catching these large species is simply getting their attention. Try these lures and let us know what works for you!

At Fish Razr, we have the saltwater lures, teasers, and gear you need for your next fishing trip or tournament, including lures for striper fishing. If you have questions about the best lures for stripers for your region, contact us, and our expert staff can help!

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Ethan Smith is a seasoned marine veteran, professional blogger, witty and edgy writer, and an avid hunter. He spent a great deal of his childhood years around the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Watching active hunters practise their craft initiated him into the world of hunting and rubrics of outdoor life. He also honed his writing skills by sharing his outdoor experiences with fellow schoolmates through their high school’s magazine. Further along the way, the US Marine Corps got wind of his excellent combination of skills and sought to put them into good use by employing him as a combat correspondent. He now shares his income from this prestigious job with his wife and one kid. Read more >>